Friday, January 23, 2009


I am in the midst of my first off-shift from work.  I do believe that each off-shift will result in 6 days of wonderfulness and I like it.  This off-shift started with a Tuesday night full of new friends Mr. Beam and martinis (all in moderation of course).  Rich, Jami, Mik and housemates and co-workers...are nice folks with great perspectives and experiences to share.  In return, I feel that I have things to offer them as well.  Oddly enough, I am the youngest here by a few years.  Plus, they are all really lots of laughter all around. 

On Wednesday, we awoke early and hit the slops.  For me, this was a first time skiing experience. At Wildcat, which is the resort where we ski, they have a great deal for beginners.  I met with Jeff, a great ski instructor, for my first lesson and had a wonderful time.  Im definitely after this first pay check a big investment is about to happen.   Thank god for having no rent to pay!  Snowshoeing was the activity at hand yesterday.  Many trails and fun spots to explore surround my we took to them and soaked in some of the crisp air and afternoon sun.  Later that night we played second place!  Go us...

Tonight we are having a party at the house with all the folks we work with including the administration.  Should be a nice opportunity to talk to some of my co-workers.  Last week was not the ideal situation to get to know anyone...I surely did run around at 100 miles per hour all week.  That said, I can't say that excitement for the next on-shift is what I feel.  More like nervousness and the hope that I will enjoy myself a bit more than I did last week.

I'm glad to have spoken with most of my close friends and family these past few days.  Last night I found myself a bit down and felt sad that those who know me well are across the country.  Thank god for blogs, email and well those things called phones.  

Until next time...

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