Thursday, January 8, 2009

Leaving on a Jet Plane

So, in less than 24 hours I will be boarding a red eye Jet Blue flight headed to Maine. Everyone pray for good weather and a safe and quick flight.  Flying is an old practice that I will just never get used to...the cramped leg space, my inability to sleep, bad food, did I mention my inability to sleep?  Ever since I was a kid I could sleep anywhere...mouth wide open, cars, classes, etc.  you name it, but to sleep on planes...truly a challenge. 
But enough of the digression...the point is I am moving to Maine.  Well, I will actually be residing in North Conway, New Hampshire, but my job is based 30 or so minutes away in Stow, Maine. The job: working with teenagers 13-19 years old at a wilderness therapy center as an outdoor field instructor amongst other things.  My schedule is 8 days on 6 days off.  This wonderful little set up will allow me to explore the east coast, learn to fly fish when the ice thaws, ski, etc...
I surely don't know what to expect and I have some fears of freezing to death while camping in the snowy mountains...this California girl may or may not be prepared for the type of weather that exists in Maine, but time will tell.  I am excited to embark on such a journey and see it as a chance to start a bit fresh.
Be sure to keep in touch with me...ill be missing you all like its my job.  Oh, Bay Area and all that you are...I will be back shortly.


  1. WOMAN! i miss you hella already! safe flying...and thanks for the tacos!

  2. Merica how exciting! How was the flight? Did you end up sleeping the whole time or were there any good movies? How is North Conway? How is the snow? I bet there is a lot of it.
