Sunday, January 18, 2009

Yep, its that Cold.

I started working a week ago tomorrow and I will be going off-shift again on Tuesday...THANK GOD. After 9 days of this wilderness therapy business I truly understand why I have 6 days off in between shifts. I have not sat down and rested until today, Sunday, 9pm EST. Yes, I have been running around, watching kids 24/7 and trying to keep my head afloat. Its difficult to learn everything and to try to keep track of these kids.

When I say that I watch these kids 24/7 I truly mean it. They are never to leave our site, every potential hazard or harmful substance, medications, etc. are on lock up. I have 15 keys that open many different doors and cabinets. Its nutzo really and unlike any other job I have had in the outdoor industry. I mean of course it makes sense...many of the kids have histories of harming themselves, depression, etc.

On top of it all, I as their guide am expected to take their shit in a calm and relaxed manner. For those of you who know me well, I am somewhat temperamental and don't always put up with a lot of crapola or demonstrate a ton of patience. SO this will be a test and a true learning experience. After 7 days of non-stop work and exhaustion, I even cried at work (fortunately it was just me having an overwhelmed moment).

All that said and the complaints aside, Maine is absolutely beautiful and my four days backpacking through the snowy mountains were absolutely wonderful. These kids know a ton about knots, navigation, cooking, putting up tarps, trees, tracking animals, etc. so my skills will surely grow.

In addition, I think this job is also going to make me a better person. I have been thinking a ton about the complicated minds of human beings and how our environments affect us immensely. Its interesting to observe and constantly work therapeutically with these kids. It forces me to question myself and the affect I have on those around me. Interesting stuff really.

In other news, this off-shift I am going to start skiing and maybe even take a crack at ice climbing. The folks in my house are super active which is great and will force me to get off my ass and stay off of it. I needed this sort of lifestyle change...Maine feels slower and calmer. The folks I live with are really nice and funny as well. Should be a great community to become apart of.

I do miss everyone at home though and I constantly think about how everyone is doing. You'll be hearing from me when I have some damn cell phone service in the next few days.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. WE MISS YOU TOO WOMAN. especially me.

  3. Ooh, removed by author, so mysterious! SKIING! that is so awesome. good luck with the kiddies, sounds like a great experience all of us could use!
